09 August 2007

Burning .bin Files My Way - The GUI Way ;-)

Windoze users, simply purchase a copy of Nero 7 Premium Reloaded. At merely US$99.99 a copy, it's a steal! Note, this applies even to owners of Nero Express, because Nero Express only allows you to burn .iso images.

As for Linux users, the process will be a lot more difficult. Listen, and listen very carefully, because one wrong move and you'll end up with tons of CD coasters, or even worse, your computer might blow up!

Now, here's what you should do. Install k3b and do the following:

1. Click on "Burn CD Image", select your .cue file and click on "Start".

2. Well...that's all there is to it. Say...what's wrong with these developers? Open Source Software is supposed to be written for rocket scientists - It isn't supposed to be easier than Macintosh/Windoze software!! :-)

Related: Joke - $in-gapore "Systems Administrator"

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Well now a of Open Source people are making software easier to make more people aware of Linux and open source. While the few of us who love learning new things and love nice challenge, are getting screwed.

Good thing we can always turn to good old programming. That will always give us a challenge.