30 September 2008

I am not a PC!

Is Microsoft using its customers

I do testing on new applications for Linux and it can be a real pain. Finding where to file a report on a problem and making sure it gets fixed. It does help me and others, however. I think that the way Microsoft does this is by releasing a buggy product and then collects the crash err reports from consumers to fix problems. In other words, they sell a product that doesn't work to start with and then, since they are a monopoly, force the user to be a test platform. I have seen this when I was a developer for Windows drivers and they released NT. It would not work and we reported exactly where the errors occurred so it could be fixed and I never really thought about it much, but we were doing what they should have done before they released a product.

1 comment:

Wei-Yee Chan said...

I'm a PC too, but I'm running on Linux. ;-)

Like it or not, we're all guinea pigs in one way or another. Trouble-free computing is but a myth.

What's so "special" in the case of Micro$oft is that they expect you to pay to become their guinea pig.

That, my friend, is the uniquely Micro$oft XP (experience). :-)