15 July 2008

Pawned to Windows

This article at slashdot implies that the time to infect a Windows machine on the internet is about 4 minutes after it connects. I would guess that is a little extreme. The security issues with a system like the internet are very complex and even with good techniques it can be difficult. The fact that I can run from CD or use Xen with Linux gives me an option and Windows has no such choice. They are more worried about protecting their own intellectual property than doing what is necessary. It creates a situation that their 'intellectual' property is completely useless and therefore has no value at all. The very act of trying to keep hold of a person's machine from the corporate office creates the flaw that allows it to be used by others.

1 comment:

Wei-Yee Chan said...

That's nothing new. It's the uniquely Windoze experience. :-)