03 May 2008

Great Uses of Vinegar

A couple of nights ago, I had one of those occasional vivid dreams.

A dead relative appeared before me all of a sudden and warned me that ghosts were harassing some people who were known to both of us. She begged me to douse my left hand in vinegar, and let them inhale the vinegar vapours. She specified that my left hand was preferred, as it was "closer to my heart than the right hand". I did as she requested......

I got up and walked about the house in the dark, as I always do whenever I awake from a vivid nightmare. Nope, no "ghosts" (demons). :-)

This dream prompted me to do a search on Google for "ghosts vinegar". This is what I found about vinegar as a ghost repellent:

"A traditional "ghost repellent" is to put open plates of vinegar (no kidding) around. Supposedly ghosts don't like the odor. Never tried it myself."

Oh really? I don't like the odour very much either, but you'll find me consuming it even. *Lol*

Disregard whatever the wiccans tell you about vinegar. The following are some great practical uses of vinegar:


unwesen said...

And here I was going to mention dandruff, but it's already in the 62 uses list. :)

Wei-Yee Chan said...

Glad to hear that it worked for you. :-)