Translation: Wei-Yee has completed the Hong Kong Princess Disease Treatment Room (compulsory for girls) Psychological Test. The result is "Decent Educated Princess".
Basically, you do not have "Princess Disease", but if you were a princess, you would be a very educated, very proper princess. You have a lot of friends, and everyone likes you, because you are often able to put others before yourself and coupled with a good heart, you do not mind spending money and effort to help a friend. Although you sometimes get angry, you are not provocative, so there is little chance of falling out with friends. You are a very assertive girl, and as long as you think that you're doing the right thing, nobody can stop you.
In $in-gapore, "Princess Disease" is so rampant that even the males (most of them anyway) have it!
Uniquely $in-gaporean...urgh...I'm nauseous - $ick! *Pukes*
The following song goes out to all my beloved Hong Kong princesses. As long as I'm alive, I will never allow you to die. Never will I leave you - never will I forsake you.
似夢片段正在發生 心跳感覺愈難自禁
身邊有你伴著行 甜蜜是溫暖聲音
似夢似幻卻又最真 心里感應愈來愈近
真心意最是動人 無言地交托一生
無限宇宙遠大無涯 在這虛渺花花世界
重拾美妙放浪情怀 是你使我開展眼界
漆黑天空 浮現閃閃星火
愈是漆黑星愈璀璨 明亮發光
漆黑之中 燃著浪漫戀火
但愿相依一直相愛 唯獨你是最愛
似夢似幻卻又最真 心里感應愈來愈近
緊閉雙眼跟情人 一吻
真心意最是動人 無言地交托一生
無限宇宙遠大無涯 在這虛渺花花世界
重拾美妙放浪情怀 是你使我開展眼界
漆黑天空 浮現閃閃星火
愈是漆黑星愈璀璨 明亮發光
漆黑之中 燃著浪漫戀火
但愿相依一直相愛 唯獨你是...
漆黑天空 浮現閃閃星火
愈是漆黑星愈璀璨 明亮發光
漆黑之中 燃著浪漫戀火
但愿相依一直相愛 唯獨你是最愛
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