31 August 2008

Linux collaboration

I recently started a project on sourceforge and some people call it
'tortureforge' I am wondering if I made a mistake and is there a better
collaborative framework that would include people of all languages and
backgrounds? I wanted to combine several softwares that do graphics and
chemical and systems modeling. I believe I have developed a way that the
software can be integrated by a configuration utility function of the
software itself which allows modules to be attached in real time as the
program runs and thus limit the development bottle neck of having a
single person as project lead. By saving software configurations and
assigning their fitness to a specific purpose, the software can reuse
many common algorithms without repeating a new development cycle for
forks and branches that are designed to find a better solution to a
niche process.

1 comment:

Wei-Yee Chan said...

>I recently started a project on
>sourceforge and some people call
>I am wondering if I made a mistake and
>is there a better collaborative
>framework that would include people of
>all languages and backgrounds?

It really depends on who these people are. For instance, I don't give a damn what perverted $in-gaporeans think of this blog, because they're not the target audience and they're not for the Open Source cause.
