04 August 2008

Bill Gates and source

I see that Bill Gates is willing to accept the gratitude for things he funds and I don't care where the money comes from, so long as it really helps others. The problem is that I wonder what the people he left behind at Microsoft think when it is considered all his effort that produced this money. I am guessing that he did not program,package,troubleshoot or design. The people in the Microsoft company actually did the work and he simply took most of it with him. I am guessing that he couldn't write a good open source app if he had to to save his life. It seems as odd as if Linus got on TV and told people how great he was and how he wrote every single piece of open source software and deserved to get credit for that. I know he doesn't think that way and I find it odd that Bill Gate$ would feel justified in saying that it was all his effort that created his wealth, when it is obvious that somebody else did all the work.

1 comment:

Wei-Yee Chan said...

That sounds very much like someone whom I know personally - He's a bloody parasite.