31 July 2008

Security University

I have been going to school for the last 3 years at a major university which has advanced courses in technology and software. The odd thing is that I was able to get into their servers by accident the very first week I was at school and they have still not corrected this flaw. I was cleaning up my accounts and decided to see how the security worked there as a general rule and I was able to read the private information of most of the people that go to school with me. That is just absurd and on top of this I took a bio-informatics class and the teachers knew less about the subject than I did. They obviously do not even apply that which they should know. I would like to take advantage of them , but I can't bring myself to do it for personal reasons, even though they want to charge me 400$ for a class I never took. How can it be legal for them to cheat me and claim foul when they are letting them selves open to allow others to steal my personal information and mess with my university account. They install the least secure operating system on everything and then pray that M$ will come up with a secure platform in the future. I was sitting in class with my laptop and my genetics professor had W$ on his laptop and I failed to tell him that he had put his tests in the shared network folder. I never looked at them ( since my goal was just to understand ) , but I know that others did.

BTW that was a great post on Open DNS, Wei Yee. It may take me a while to understand completely.

1 comment:

Wei-Yee Chan said...

>The odd thing is that I was able to
>get into their servers by accident the
>very first week I was at school and
>they have still not corrected this

I'm not surprised.

>I was sitting in class with my laptop
>and my genetics professor had W$ on his
>laptop and I failed to tell him that he
>had put his tests in the shared network

This is sad...

>BTW that was a great post on Open DNS,
>Wei Yee. It may take me a while to
>understand completely.

Thanks, Paul. ;-)