11 July 2007

$in-gapore Systems

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: Duplicate Deduction
Date: Wed, 11 Jul 2007 15:24:47 +0800
From: Wei-Yee Chan
To: enquiries

Hello Niza,

Thank you for the reply.

I'm satisfied with your explanation as to what could have transpired, but the words you used, "once the payment transactions are accepted successfully for processing, we are not able to cancel it", are very worrying, particularly when it was due to the system's recognised flaws.

Nevertheless, this has proven to be a valuable lesson, to teach me to cease relying on systems whose errors cannot be rectified by human intervention. When humans err, they make good their wrongs, but a machine doesn't have the ability to correct its own errors. It is only as perfect as the people who programmed it and set it up. As such, it has to rely on humans to correct its own errors.

If it is indeed as you have put it, that the system is the ultimate authority, then I truly look forward to the day where machines are allowed to murder or do harm to humans without being challenged by anyone.

I do apologise if I have caused any offence to you. Of course, I realise that this is likely to be something that is out of your control, and the people who determined that the system should have the final say in everything are responsible for the way things are.

Have a nice day.


Wei-Yee Chan

enquiries wrote:
> Hi,
> >From our record the payments that you have made are successful.
> StarHub Cable Vision Ltd 73870470 10/07/2007 11:04 AM $163.8 SCG V001071910623
> StarHub Cable Vision Ltd 73870470 10/07/2007 10:54 AM $163.8 SCG V001071910591
> We wish to inform you that once the payment transactions are accepted successfully for processing, we are not able to cancel it.
> Please be informed that any excessive payment amount will be credited to your bill account and will be brought forward to your next bill.
> Nevertheless, for payment made via GIRO-On-Demand, the biller which in this case Starhub has received the transaction. However as for the amount, it will only be deducted from your bank on the 3rd working days. Thus, should there is any insufficient fund in your bank when the amount is attempted to be deducted, the payment that you have made above will be rejected and unsuccessful.
> In addition, we would like to advise customers that in the event of errors encountered during the first payment, it will be advisable not to proceed on with any attempts of payment such as clicking on the "Submit" button again or "Refresh" the browser. This is to prevent another charge/payment. The error that you received maybe due to the connection when payment is being executed.
> We would appreciate if you could logout from your vPOST account and relogon to check the "Payment History" section that can be found on the left hand side of the navigator. This shall present the customers all successful payments made. This additional check shall allow the customers to find out if the first payment (which appearred to be errorneous) was transacted successfully, despite having shown error message(s), if any.
> Thank you and have a nice day.
> Yours sincerely
> Niza
> vPOST Customer Service Officer
> Singapore Post Limited
> 10 Eunos Road 8 I #07-33 Singapore Post Center I Singapore 408600
> www.vpost.com.sg I enquiries@vpost.com.sg
> ________________________________
> From: Wei-Yee Chan
> Sent: Tue 10/7/2007 11:52 AM
> To: enquiries
> Subject: Duplicate Deduction
> Hi,
> My login is XXX and I've encountered a system hiccup.
> There's a *duplicate* payment of $163.80 to Starhub Cable. I need only
> pay $163.80. Could you kindly remove *one* of them as soon as possible?
> Thank you.
> Regards,
> Wei-Yee Chan

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