What benefit will it be to you if you gain the whole world but lose your own soul? (Mark 8:36)
"Even if you've made a great name for yourself that outlives you, what good will it do you, when you are spending eternity in unending torture and pain in hell?
Maybe you don't believe in hell - maybe you believe you will be reincarnated and live other lives on earth...
Or maybe you believe this life is all there is - after you die, there is nothing else...
Or perhaps you believe that God is a loving God who will overlook your sins - after all, you aren't as bad as most people...
Maybe you think that when you give money to charity, go to church, take some time out to do good things, that these will all count toward "earning" your way to heaven...
But what if your soul DOES live on forever after your death - either in heaven or hell?
What is YOUR SOUL worth to you?"
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