02 May 2008

Testing video download utility 'clive'

I typed 'man clive' to get this after getting the utility. As you can see I am on moteygutsy, which will soon change now.
I had decided to test the Linux utility 'clive' and as always a person would just enter this at terminal prompt, or use Synaptic, or use Adept.

apt-get install clive

I am testing it on 'Gutsy' and found it did not work for youtube.

I did a little looking around and I find it is fixed in the new release so I guess I will try it on my Hardy Heron 8.04 machine next to see if it works. I already have a way to download videos of all types, but I just wanted to test the utility to do my part for Linux and OSS. Also I learn something about how things work when I test stuff.

The link for reference to the problem is

A general description at Linux,com.
And the site which has a FAQ.

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